/** * autoNumeric.js * @author: Bob Knothe * @version: 1.4.5 * * Created by Robert J. Knothe on 2010-03-25. Please report any bug at http://www.decorplanit.com/plugin/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 Robert J. Knothe http://www.decorplanit.com/plugin/ * * The MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function($){ $.fn.autoNumeric = function(){ return this.each(function(){ var d = $.extend($.fn.autoNumeric.defaults); //sets defaults var iv = $(this); //check input value iv var ii = this.id; //input ID var kdCode = ''; //Key down Code var selectLength = 0; // length of input selected var cPos = 0; //caret poistion var inLength = 0; //variable to length prior to keypress event var numLeft = 0; $(this).focus(function(e){ //start keyDown $.extend(d, autoCode(ii, d)); //update defaults }).keydown(function(e){ //start keyDown if (!e){ // routine for key and character codes e = window.event; } if (e.keyCode){ // IE kdCode = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which){ // FF & O kdCode = e.which; } if (document.selection){ // IE Support to find the caret position this.focus(); var select = document.selection.createRange(); selectLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length; select.moveStart ('character', -this.value.length); cPos = (select.text.length - selectLength) * 1; } else if (this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart == '0'){ // Firefox support to find the caret position selectLength = this.selectionEnd * 1 - this.selectionStart * 1; cPos = this.selectionStart * 1; } // end caret position inLength = this.value.length; //pass length to keypress event for value left & right of the decimal position & keyUp event to set caret position }).keypress(function(e){ // keypress function $.extend(d, autoCode(ii, d)); //update defaults var allowed = d.aNum + d.aSign + d.aDec; //allowed input var charLeft = 0; //number of characters to the left of the decimal point var charRight = 0; //number of characters to the right of the decimal point charLeft = inLength - (inLength - this.value.lastIndexOf(d.aDec)); // characters to the left of the decimal point if (charLeft == -1){// if no decimal point is present charLeft = inLength charLeft = inLength; } charRight = (inLength - this.value.lastIndexOf(d.aDec)) -1; //characters to the right of the decimal point if (this.value.lastIndexOf(d.aDec) == -1){ // if no decimal point charRight = 0 charRight = 0; } numLeft = countLeft(this.value, charLeft); //the number of intergers to the left of the decimal point if (!e){ // routine for key and character codes e = window.event; } var kpCode = ''; //Key Press Code if (e.keyCode){ // IE kpCode = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which){ // FF & O kpCode = e.which; } var cCode = String.fromCharCode(kpCode); //Character code if ((e.ctrlKey) && (kdCode == 67 || kdCode == 86 || kdCode == 88)){ // allows controll key & copy(c=67), past (v=86), cut (v=88) or the delete key (46) return true; } if (kdCode == 8 || kdCode == 9 || kdCode == 35 || kdCode == 36 || kdCode == 37 || kdCode == 39 || kdCode == 46){ // allows the backspace (8), tab (9), enter 13, end (35), home(36), left(37) and right(39) arrows key to function in some browsers (FF & O) return true; } if (allowed.indexOf(cCode) == -1){// checks for allowed characters e.preventDefault(); } if (cCode == d.aDec){ // start rules when the decimal charactor key is pressed ********************************************************************************** if (selectLength == inLength && selectLength > 0){ // allows the selected input to be replaced with a number - Thanks Bart. return; } if (this.value.indexOf(d.aDec) != -1 || d.mDec <= 0 || cPos < this.value.length - d.mDec || cPos === 0 && this.value.charAt(0) == '-' || this.value.lastIndexOf(d.aSep) >= cPos && d.aSep !== ''){ //prevents decimal point accurcy greater then the allowed e.preventDefault(); } } // end rules when the decimal charactor key is pressed if (kpCode == 45 && (cPos > 0 || this.value.indexOf('-') != -1 || d.aSign === '')){// rules for negative key press *********************** e.preventDefault(); } if (kpCode >= 48 && kpCode <= 57){ // start rules for number key press ********************************************************************************** if (selectLength > 0){ // allows the selected input to be replaced with a number - Thanks Bart. return true; } if (this.value.indexOf('-') != -1 && cPos === 0){ // start rules for controlling a leading zero when the negative sign is present e.preventDefault(); } if (numLeft >= d.mNum && cPos <= charLeft){ //checks for max numeric characters to the left of the decimal point e.preventDefault(); } if (this.value.indexOf(d.aDec) != -1 && cPos >= (this.value.length - charRight) && charRight >= d.mDec){ // rules controls the maximum decimal places on both positive and negative values e.preventDefault(); } } // end rules for number key press }).keyup(function(e){ //start keyup - this will format the input if (d.aSep === '' || e.keyCode == 9 || e.keyCode == 20 || e.keyCode == 35 || e.keyCode == 36 || e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39 || kdCode == 9 || kdCode == 13 || kdCode == 20 || kdCode == 35 || kdCode == 36 || kdCode == 37 || kdCode == 39){// allows the tab(9), end(35), home(36) left(37) & right(39) arrows and when there is no thousand separator to bypass the autoGroup function return true; //kuCode 35 & 36 Home and end keys fix thanks to JPM USA } // if(kdCode == 110 && this.value.indexOf(d.aDec) == -1 && d.mDec > 0 && cPos >= this.value.length - d.mDec && this.value.lastIndexOf(d.aSep) < cPos && this.value.lastIndexOf('-') < cPos){ // start mods for period to comma on numerica pad // $(this).val(this.value.substring(0, cPos) + d.aDec + this.value.substring(inLength, cPos)); // } // end mods $('#' + this.id).val(autoGroup(this.value, d)); var outLength = this.value.length; var outLeft = outLength - (outLength - this.value.lastIndexOf(d.aDec)); // characters to the left of the decimal point if (outLeft == -1){// if no decimal point is present charLeft = inLength outLeft = outLength; } numLeft = countLeft(this.value, outLeft); //the number of intergers to the left of the decimal point if (numLeft > d.mNum){ $('#' + this.id).val(''); } var setCaret = 0; if (inLength < outLength){ setCaret = cPos + (outLength - inLength); } if (inLength > outLength){ if(selectLength > 0){ setCaret = (outLength - (inLength - (cPos + selectLength))); } else if((inLength - 2) == outLength){ if(kdCode == 8){ setCaret = (cPos - 2); } else{ setCaret = (cPos - 1); } } else{ if(kdCode == 8){ setCaret = (cPos - 1); } else{ setCaret = cPos; } } } if (inLength == outLength){ if(this.value.charAt(cPos - 1) == d.aSep && kdCode == 8){ setCaret = (cPos - 1); } else if(this.value.charAt(cPos) == d.aSep && kdCode == 46){ setCaret = (cPos + 1); } else if(outLength === 1){ setCaret = cPos + 1; } else { setCaret = cPos; } } var iField = this; iField.focus(); if (document.selection) { var iRange = iField.createTextRange(); iRange.collapse(true); iRange.moveStart("character", setCaret); iRange.moveEnd("character", 0); iRange.select(); } else if (iField.selectionStart) { iField.selectionStart = setCaret; iField.selectionEnd = setCaret; } }).blur(function (){ if ($('#' + ii).val() != ''){ autoCheck(iv, ii, d); } }); $(this).bind('paste', function(){setTimeout(function(){autoCheck(iv, ii, d);}, 0); }); // thanks to Josh of Digitalbush.com }); }; $.fn.autoNumeric.defaults = { aNum: '0123456789', //allowed numeric values aSign: '', // allowed negative sign / character aSep: ',', // allowed housand separator character aDec: '.', // allowed decimal separator character mNum: 9, // max number of numerical characters to the left of the decimal mDec: 2, // max number of decimal places dGroup: /(\d)((\d{3}?)+)$/, // digital grouping for the thousand separator used in Format rMethod: 'S' // rounding method used }; function autoCode(ii, d){ // function to update the defaults settings var fCode = $('#'+ii).attr('alt'); var lookUp = 'dp' + fCode.charAt(5); if (fCode !== ''){ d.aSign = (fCode.charAt(0) === 'n') ? '-' : ''; //Negative allowed? if(fCode.charAt(1) === '0'){ d.mNum = 15; } else if(fCode.charAt(1) > '0' && fCode.charAt(1) <= '9'){ d.mNum = fCode.charAt(1) * 1; } else{ d.nNum = 9; } if (fCode.charAt(2) === 'a'){ d.aSep = '\''; } else if (fCode.charAt(2) === 'p'){ d.aSep = '.'; } else if (fCode.charAt(2) === 's'){ d.aSep = ' '; } else if (fCode.charAt(2) === 'x'){ d.aSep = ''; } else { d.aSep = ','; } if (fCode.charAt(3) === '2'){ // digital grouping d.dGroup = /(\d)((\d)(\d{2}?)+)$/; } else if (fCode.charAt(3) === '4'){ // digital grouping d.dGroup = /(\d)((\d{4}?)+)$/; } else { d.dGroup = /(\d)((\d{3}?)+)$/; } d.aDec = (fCode.charAt(4) == 'c') ? ',' : '.'; // decimal sepatator d.mDec = (fCode.charAt(5) <= '9') ? fCode.charAt(5) * 1 : $('#' + lookUp).val() * 1; // decimal places d.rMethod = (fCode.charAt(6) !== '') ? fCode.charAt(6) : 'S'; // rounding method } return d; } function countLeft(str, charLeft){ var chr = ''; var numLeft = 0; //the number of intergers to the left of the decimal point for (j = 0; j < charLeft; j++){ //counts the numeric characters to the left of the decimal point that has a numeric value chr = str.charAt(j); if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9'){ numLeft++; } } return numLeft; } function autoGroup(iv, d){ // places the thousand separtor if (d.aSep != ''){ iv = iv.split(d.aSep).join(''); var ivSplit = iv.split(d.aDec); var s = ivSplit[0]; while(d.dGroup.test(s)){ s = s.replace(d.dGroup, '$1'+d.aSep+'$2'); } if (d.mDec !== 0 && ivSplit.length > 1){ iv = s + d.aDec + ivSplit[1]; } else { iv = s; } } return iv; } function autoRound(iv, mDec, rMethod){ // rounding function via text var ivRounded = ''; var i = 0; var nSign = ''; iv = iv + ''; // convert to string if (iv.charAt(0) == '-'){ //Checks if the iv (input Value)is a negative value nSign = (iv * 1 === 0) ? '' : '-'; //determines if the value is zero - if zero no negative sign iv = iv.replace('-', ''); // removes the negative sign will be added back later if required } if ((iv * 1) > 0){ while (iv.substr(0,1) == '0' && iv.length > 1) { iv = iv.substr(1,9999); } } var dPos = iv.lastIndexOf('.'); //decimal postion as an integer if (dPos === 0){// prefix with a zero if the decimal point is the first character iv = '0' + iv; dPos = 1; } if (dPos == -1 || dPos == iv.length - 1){//Has an integer been passed in? if (mDec > 0){ ivRounded = (dPos == -1) ? iv + '.' : iv; for(i = 0; i < mDec; i++){ //pads with zero ivRounded += '0'; } return nSign + ivRounded; } else { return nSign + iv; } } var cDec = (iv.length - 1) - dPos;//checks decimal places to determine if rounding is required if (cDec == mDec){ return nSign + iv; //If true return value no rounding required } if (cDec < mDec){ //Do we already have less than the number of decimal places we want? ivRounded = iv; //If so, pad out with zeros for(i = cDec; i < mDec; i++){ ivRounded += '0'; } return nSign + ivRounded; } var rLength = dPos + mDec; //rounded length of the string after rounding var tRound = iv.charAt(rLength + 1) * 1; // test round var ivArray = [];// new array for(i = 0; i <= rLength; i++){ //populate ivArray with each digit in rLength ivArray[i] = iv.charAt(i); } var odd = (iv.charAt(rLength) == '.') ? (iv.charAt(rLength - 1) % 2) : (iv.charAt(rLength) % 2); if ((tRound > 4 && rMethod === 'S') || //Round half up symetric (tRound > 4 && rMethod === 'A' && nSign === '') || //Round half up asymetric positive values (tRound > 5 && rMethod === 'A' && nSign == '-') || //Round half up asymetric negative values (tRound > 5 && rMethod === 's') || //Round half down symetric (tRound > 5 && rMethod === 'a' && nSign === '') || //Round half down asymetric positive values (tRound > 4 && rMethod === 'a' && nSign == '-') || //Round half down asymetric negative values (tRound > 5 && rMethod === 'B') || //Round half even "Banker's Rounding" (tRound == 5 && rMethod === 'B' && odd == 1) || //Round half even "Banker's Rounding" (tRound > 0 && rMethod === 'C' && nSign === '') || //Round to ceiling toward positive infinite (tRound > 0 && rMethod === 'F' && nSign == '-') || //Round to floor toward negative inifinte (tRound > 0 && rMethod === 'U')){ //round up away from zero for(i = (ivArray.length - 1); i >= 0; i--){ //Round up the last digit if required, and continue until no more 9's are found if (ivArray[i] == '.'){ continue; } ivArray[i]++; if (ivArray[i] < 10){ //if i does not equal 10 no more round up required break; } } } for (i=0; i <= rLength; i++){ //Reconstruct the string, converting any 10's to 0's if (ivArray[i] == '.' || ivArray[i] < 10 || i === 0){//routine to reconstruct non '10' ivRounded += ivArray[i]; } else { // converts 10's to 0 ivRounded += '0'; } } if (mDec === 0){ //If there are no decimal places, we don't need a decimal point ivRounded = ivRounded.replace('.', ''); } return nSign + ivRounded; //return rounded value } function autoCheck(iv, ii, d){ //test pasted value for field compliance-- var getPaste = iv.val(); if (getPaste.length > 25){ //maximum length of pasted value $('#' + ii).val(''); return true; } $.extend(d, autoCode(ii, d)); //update var p with the fields settings var allowed = d.aNum + d.aSign + d.aDec; var eNeg = ''; if (d.aSign == '-'){ //escape the negative sign eNeg = '\\-'; } var reg = new RegExp('[^'+eNeg+d.aNum+d.aDec+']','gi'); // regular expreession constructor to delete any characters not allowed for the input field. var testPaste = getPaste.replace(reg,''); //deletes all characters that are not permeinted in this field if (testPaste.lastIndexOf('-') > 0 || testPaste.indexOf(d.aDec) != testPaste.lastIndexOf(d.aDec)){ testPaste = ''; } var rePaste = ''; var nNeg = 0; var nSign = ''; var i = 0; var s = testPaste.split(''); for (i=0; i= 0 || s[i+1] <= 9)){//controls leading zero continue; } else { rePaste = rePaste + s[i]; } } rePaste = nSign + rePaste; if (rePaste.indexOf(d.aDec) == -1 && rePaste.length > (d.mNum + nNeg)){ // check to see if the maximum & minimum values have been exceeded when no decimal point is present rePaste = ''; } if (rePaste.indexOf(d.aDec) > (d.mNum + nNeg)){ // check to see if the maximum & minimum values have been exceeded when the decimal point is present rePaste = ''; } if (rePaste.indexOf(d.aDec) != -1 && (d.aDec != '.')){ rePaste = rePaste.replace(d.aDec, '.'); } rePaste = autoRound(rePaste, d.mDec, d.rMethod); if (d.aDec != '.'){ rePaste = rePaste.replace('.', d.aDec); } if (rePaste !== '' && d.aSep !== ''){ rePaste = autoGroup(rePaste, d); } $('#' + ii).val(rePaste); } $.fn.autoNumeric.Strip = function(ii){ // stripe format and convert decimal seperator to a period var iv = $('#' + ii).val(); var d = $.extend($.fn.autoNumeric.defaults); $.extend(d, autoCode(ii, d)); var reg = new RegExp('[^'+'\\-'+d.aNum+d.aDec+']','gi'); // regular expreession constructor iv = iv.replace(reg,''); //deletes all characters that are not permitted in this field var nSign = ''; if (iv.charAt(0) == '-'){ //Checks if the iv (input Value)is a negative value nSign = (iv * 1 === 0) ? '' : '-'; //determines if the value is zero - if zero no negative sign iv = iv.replace('-', ''); // removes the negative sign will be added back later if required } iv = iv.replace(d.aDec, '.'); if (iv * 1 > 0){ while (iv.substr(0,1) == '0' && iv.length > 1) { iv = iv.substr(1,9999); } } iv = (iv.lastIndexOf('.') === 0) ? ('0' + iv) : iv; iv = (iv * 1 === 0) ? '0' : iv; return nSign + iv; }; $.fn.autoNumeric.Format = function(ii, iv){ // function that recieves a numeric string and formats to the target input field var d = $.extend($.fn.autoNumeric.defaults); $.extend(d, autoCode(ii, d)); iv = autoRound(iv, d.mDec, d.rMethod); var nNeg = 0; if (iv.indexOf('-') != -1 && d.aSign === ''){ //deletes negative value iv = ''; } else if (iv.indexOf('-') != -1 && d.aSign == '-'){ nNeg = 1; } if (iv.indexOf('.') == -1 && iv.length > (d.mNum + nNeg)){ // check to see if the maximum & minimum values have been exceeded when no decimal point is present iv = ''; } else if (iv.indexOf('.') > (d.mNum + nNeg)){ // check to see if the maximum & minimum values have been exceeded when a decimal point is present iv = ''; } if (d.aDec != '.'){ //replaces the decimal point with the new sepatator iv = iv.replace('.', d.aDec); } return autoGroup(iv, d); }; })(jQuery);